Inzu Ya Masaba - Cultural Set Up

The cultural leader of Inzu ya Masaaba is called Umukuuka We Bamasaaba for male and Umukuukhu We Bamasaaba for female. The people are referred to as Bamasaaba for plural and Umumasaaba for singular. They speak the language called Lumasaaba with variation of dialects depending on their Zinda; Inda Ya Mwambu, Inda Ya Mubuuya and Inda Ya Wanaale.
Bamasaaba trace their origin from Masaaba, the forefather who gave birth to three sons; Mwambu, Mubuuya and Wanaale.
The three sons gave birth to 26 clans from which Inzu ya Masaaba is founded. The clans are called Zinda in plural and Inda in singular. So, we have Inza ya Mwambu, Inda ya Mubuuya and Inda ya Wanaale.
Mwambu, the eldest son, begot Halasi, Muyobo, Sulani, Masifa, Hugu, Tandiga, Luganya, Ginyanya and Lago.
Mubuuya, the second son, begot Mutuuta, Mushika, Lutseshe, Kigai, Wagogo, Mutiru, Mubutu, Mumbo, Wabwala and Gobero.
Wanaale, the last son, begot Ngokho, Siu, Shiende, Soba, Ngokho, Saano, Fumbo and Mukonde.
It should be noted that Bamasaaba of Kenya, living in Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties are traced from Inda Ya Mubuuya.
The people called Babukusu are descendants of MAINA who lived on Bukusu Great Hill at present day Bugobero. His children produced and spread out to occupy the greater Bubuutu and Bumbo subcounties in Uganda. They also occupy Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties in Kenya.
Over generations, the twenty six clans have given birth to sub-clans (Tsingongo or Zingongo), homesteads (Bikuuka or Biguuga) and families (Tsingo or Zingo).
Bamasaaba are currently over seven million people historically living in the districts of Mbale, Sironko, Manafwa, Bududa, Bulambuli and Namisindwa in Uganda. They also occupy Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties of Kenya.